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Airbyte comes with built in authentication based on the email provided at setup and a generated password. If you need to view your password and you are running Airbyte through abctl you can run the following:

abctl local credentials

Which should output something similar to:

"password": "password",
"client-id": "client_id",
"client-secret": "client_secret"

If you have deployed to your own Kubernetes cluster using Helm, then you can view your credentials by running the following:

kubectl get secret airbyte-auth-secrets -n <YOUR_NAMESPACE> -o yaml

Which will return something similar to:

apiVersion: v1
instance-admin-client-id: Y2Q1ZTc4ZWEtMzkwNy00ZThmLWE1ZWMtMjIyNGVhZTFiYzcw
instance-admin-client-secret: cmhvQkhCODlMRmh1REdXMWt3REpHZTJMaUd3N3c2MjU=
instance-admin-password: d0V2bklvZEo1QUNHQnpPRWxrOWNSeHdFUGpJMWVzMWg=
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2024-07-31T04:22:54Z"
name: airbyte-auth-secrets
namespace: airbyte-abctl
resourceVersion: "600"
uid: f47170eb-f739-4e58-9013-b7afb3ac336a
type: Opaque

These values are base64 encoded, to decode your password run the following:

echo 'cmhvQkhCODlMRmh1REdXMWt3REpHZTJMaUd3N3c2MjU=' | base64 -d

Turning Off Authentication

There may be times when your wish to turn off authentication, for instance if you have already configured a proxy that authenticates users with your organization's SSO. In these cases you can turn off Airbyte's authentication by adding the following to your values.yaml file:

enabled: false

For users that are using the abctl tool you can apply this by running the following:

abctl local install --values ./values.yaml

Setting a Password via Secrets

You can also control the default password by supplying your own values as a Kubernetes secret. Start by creating a file called secret.yaml and add the following Kubernetes Secret into that file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: airbyte-auth-secrets
type: Opaque
instance-admin-password: # password

# Override these if you want to access the API with known credentials
#instance-admin-client-id: # my-client-id
#instance-admin-client-secret: # my-client-secret

If you are deploying Airbyte with abctl you can run:

abctl local install --secret secret.yaml

If you are deploying to your own Kubernetes cluster, run:

kubectl apply -f secret.yaml -n <YOUR_NAMESPACE>

You may need to restart the airbyte-server pod for the changes to take effect.